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St. Vincent Pallotti proposes

pallotti imit

In the ‘Practical daily reminder to imitate our Lord Jesus Christ’ (OOCC III, pages 34 – 39) St. Vincent Pallotti proposes the following:

Before beginning any activity in the daily routine:

– reflect first of all on what would be the thinking of the holy mind of Jesus in these concrete situations;

– consider what the feelings of his divine Heart would be;


In situations in which one must speak:

– ask oneself what words of humility, gentleness, charity, patience and prudence would Jesus use;

– consider just how measured his words would be, he would use neither too many nor too few words;

In the use of all material and created things that are necessary to life:

– consider the moderate use that Jesus Christ made of these;

– with ones imagination try to see Jesus, and using the imagination and in a spirit of reviving or intensifying ones faith, think of the God-man who became for us both an example and a model;

– it is Jesus Christ himself who is the practical rule or guide for both the interior and outward life of the Christian;

– an invitation is made to trust in the grace with which he wishes to bless us abundantly in order that we may imitate him.


Collage by Sr. Miriam Studzinska, SAC
