Entrance to Novitiate
The month of December 2024 was a blessing for our Lady of Kibeho Province as on 6th, God blessed the Province with the entrance to Novitiate of five postulants : Divine Bahati Sezerano, Claudine Uwizeyimana, Lucie Biira,Valentine Ukunzwenamariya, Marie Josée Nyiramwiza at Ruhango community while other three postulants from the Province entered into Novitiate in the International Novitiate in Arusha-Tanzania: Francine Nshimiyimana, Georgette Niyonizeye and Sandra Goretti ….
Sister Angeline Kambugu, Provincial Superior received them, and she entrusted them to sister Marie Consolée Mukayirabuka, the Novice Mistress. The Provincial superior stressed the importance of this period in which they have to deepen their relationship with God living intense prayer. She called them to listen efficiently to God , to the Holy Spirit and to the formator so that they may discern well the will of God in their lives.
Renewal of Temporary Vows
On the same day, nineteen temporary professed sisters renewed their vows in the presence of Sister Angeline Kambugu, Provincial Superior. As a tradition in Our Lady of Kibeho Province, the sisters who had not received the name of Mary in their novitiate and the Novices, received the name of Mary , as a sign of honour and devotion to her and as taking her as our model in our religious life.
First Profession
8th December 2024 was now a day of wonderful experience as three novices whose name Christine Tumaini Rumaziminsi, Rosalie Mukandayisenga and Yvette Uwamahoro who did their novitiate in Arusha International Novitiate of our Congregation made their first profession at Saint Peter and Paul Parish at Masaka in Kigali, Rwanda. The Provincial Superior received their vows. Father Eugene Niyonzima, SAC, Provincial Superior of the Holy Family Province, presided over the Holy Mass in which our Sisters made their profession. In his homily, he explained very well the meaning of vows and the behaviours which have to characterize those who vow to live in Chastity for the sake of God, poverty and Obedience. Taking the example of the religious dress and veil of the congregation they wore; he told them that they have to wear humility, peace, spirit of service and other virtues in their life. All gathered together, consecrated people, parents, relatives and friends were touched by this event and with the spirit of communion, everyone felt a desire to renew his commitment and vocation to God.
All ceremonies were concluded by the sharing of Agapes in joyful way. We are all grateful to God who is unceasingly continuing to send the labourers into his vineyard.
Text: Sr. Liberata Niyongira, SAC
Photos: Sr. Marie Louise Uwitonze, SAC (3 on 6 December) and Nsengiyumva Steven (4 on 8 December)