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Easter Greetings 2012

Easter 2012   “Exult, all creation around God’s throne! Rejoice o earth, in shining splendor, radiant in the brightness of your King! Christ has conquered!

Convention on holiness – invitation

THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CANONIZATION OF ST. VINCENT PALLOTTI (1963-2013) Let the holiness of God shine forth CONVENTION ON HOLINESS (for more information click

Superior General for Lent 2012

I raise my eyes toward the mountains from whence shall come my help? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

Generalate Express January 2012

Let the holiness of God shine forth! Rome ▪ January 2012 was filled with many significant events for our communities in Rome. A special guest

Generalate Express December 2011

December 2011 CHRIST IS THE HAND GOD EXTENDS TO HUMANITY!“This hand is Jesus, born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary. He is the hand that

Easter Greetings 2012

Easter 2012   “Exult, all creation around God’s throne! Rejoice o earth, in shining splendor, radiant in the brightness of your King! Christ has conquered!

Convention on holiness – invitation

THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CANONIZATION OF ST. VINCENT PALLOTTI (1963-2013) Let the holiness of God shine forth CONVENTION ON HOLINESS (for more information click

Superior General for Lent 2012

I raise my eyes toward the mountains from whence shall come my help? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

Generalate Express January 2012

Let the holiness of God shine forth! Rome ▪ January 2012 was filled with many significant events for our communities in Rome. A special guest

Generalate Express December 2011

December 2011 CHRIST IS THE HAND GOD EXTENDS TO HUMANITY!“This hand is Jesus, born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary. He is the hand that
