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Being faithful stewards we may proceed and flourish

IMG 20240715 WA0001We started Sunday morning as part of the universal church – we attended Holy Mass in various churches.

After the Angelus with Pope Francis the sisters of the Procura welcomed us with a beautifully prepared meal and we participants would like to express our gratitude for the sisters who make our stay so comfortable. We really feel at home. May God bless the Procura community in abundance for the testimony they give to all the guests and all members of our congregation coming to our guest house.

IMG 20240715 0008In the afternoon our Superior General Sr Josephina D’Souza gave her report of the last two and a half years since she and her councilors started their term of office.
Afterwards Sr Adelheid Scheloske, General Treasurer, informed about finances.
The provincials and delagature superiors were deeply grateful for the dedication and love Sr Josephina and the whole General Administration put in their service.
Being a worldwide congregation bears enormous chances and in being faithful stewards we may proceed and flourish.
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In Vespers we brought our spoken and silent petitions before God with thanksgiving. We all know that we are supported in prayer by the sisters in our provinces and delegatures and the connection is tangible.

The day ended with supper. Many nationalities together at the table – the exchange continues and there is joy in seeing each other again or getting to know each other.
Text: Sr. Astrid Meinert, SAC
Photos: Sr. Astrid Meinert SAC (1), Sr. Beata Matuszewska, SAC (3)