With the vespers on the evening of August 6th the next feast started. Sr. Stefanie Kremsler and Sr. Tabitha Stippler made their first profession 70 years ago. And Sr. Imeldis Herbst looks back on 65 years. Furthermore Sr. Bonifatis Kress, Sr. Cäcilia Bleischwitz, Sr. Irmgard Beck und Sr. Sophie Schuler celebrated 60 years of profession. The provincial superior Sr. Helga Weidemann gave thanks to all the jubilarians and reminded all of us, that we have a very special biography – our biography is the story of God with us. And she wished particularly the jubilarians that they may always have a burning heart filled with yearning for Him.
General superior Sr. Izabela Swierad gave a special blessing:
“Eternal Father, God of everlasting love, we give you thanks for your beloved Son, Jesus Christ – the greatest witness of your love, and true Apostle of your mission.
United in the Holy Spirit we all gather today in the Cenacle of Limburg Chapel, with Jesus and Mary, Apostles and Saints, and with Vincent Pallotti -to give you thanks for this small congregation, for the past, today and tomorrow. In your hands Almighty Father I entrust this missionary Congregation and I humbly ask:
Bless each sister, every community, every mission, region, delegature and every province. Bless especially our sick and elderly sisters, guide the initiatives of our apostles. Give us the vision to accept both suffering and joy, old and new, and enlightened our future with hope.
God the Father, send you blessing and abundance of grace upon this Province, upon Sr. Helga, whom you choose to lead and care for its members, send your blessing upon her team, all the superiors and sisters.
May your special blessing – blessing of strength, love and wisdom, mark the lives of our jubilarians:
Sr. Stefanie, Sr. Tabitha, Sr. Imeldis, Sr. Bonifazis, Sr. Cäcilia, Sr. Irmgard, Sr. Sophie.
And fill their heart with deep faith, unshaken hope and pure love, that they become what you behold. Amen.”
Fr. Alexander Holzbach, SAC, said in his homilie during the solemn celebration that the readings of the day are a sort of a gift for a jubilee of profession. Elijah had an experience of God on mount Horeb. God does not come with a loud roar or an earthquake but rather with a gentle wisper – within the silence of the heart. And the gospel shows Peter having courage to approach Jesus even in tumultuous waves. He followed the word “Come” spoken by Jesus. Fr. Holzbach gave thanks for the courage of the jubilarians that they answered their individual “Come” with entering the congregation of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters, back then in stormy and difficult times during their youth.