By Sr. Julitta Gołębiowska, SAC
Let us pray with Saint Vincent Pallotti in thanksgiving for ten years of the erection of the Union as an international public association of the faithful
God the Father of mercies, who love your Church and always want it to be renewed, enriched with charisms and prepared for every work of evangelisation and of charity, as we celebrate this anniversary in the life of the Union, repeat the gift of a new Pentecost.
Grant your Church always to hold fast to the word of life.
Grant that our hearts may be moved, as was your Son’s, in the face of all who are confused and restless, yet yearning for You, for your Light, your Peace and your Justice.
Grant us to pray with the same love which poured out from the heart of your beloved Son: “Send forth, O Lord, labourers into your vineyard, and spare your people”.
Make us feel deeply our responsibility for many brothers and sisters who do not yet know you, and awaken in our hearts a new passion for holiness and for mission, so that your Kingdom may spread to the ends of the earth and find a home in every heart.
Help us to take up the Church’s call for a New evangelisation with renewed apostolic zeal, so that every brother and sister who is far from faith may discover the hope, the joy and the true meaning of life which are found only in You.
We ask you, through the intercession of Mary Queen of Apostles, to grant us, members and collaborators of the Union of Catholic Apostolate, to be faithful to the charism and to the mission which you have entrusted to us.
We ask you to sanctify us all in the truth, confirm us in the communion of life and faith in the Union, transform us into icons of Jesus Christ, your beloved Son and Apostle, sent into the world to lead all to the fullness of life. Amen