She is the Maid of Bethlehem,
Mother of Jesus, and Queen of Apostles:
That ragtag group of men
Chosen by Jesus
To change the world.
She wears a crown
Of humility, not of gold.
Simplicity is her way of life,
And Love her shining garment.
Let us, who shun queens and such
Bow in awe, sensing the grace
Embodied in the lady who served
Her God in an such an earthly way.
We who walk a different path,
A road of cement, not sand,
Searching for new universes to conquer,
And flicking switches to change our world,
Must stand quiet for an instant of calculated time,
Waiting patiently for grace to fill our empty hearts
And give meaning to our endless wanderings.
Today, let us peer into the spinning hour glass
Of time, and see yesterday, and tomorrow
Reflected in the vision that permeates our view,
Remembering one thing only: God crowns our lives
With the success of love and only this is worthy
Of keeping before us, as we move into the future
And follow the example of Mary, Queen of Apostles.
Poem by Sr. Phyllis Carpenter, SAC
Painted by Sr. Julitta Golebiowska, SAC