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First Graduation of Grade Seven at Blessed Elisabetta Sanna Pre and Primary School in Magogo

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14 September 2024, the Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross, was marked with a joyful and historic event: The Magogo Community celebrated the first graduation of grade seven at Elisabetta Sanna Pre and Primary School. The celebration started with the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Drazan Klapez together with Fr. Elia Mwaka as concelebrant. In his homily, Fr. Drazan highlighted the cross as achievement in Jesus’ work of redemption. In this challenging ministry in Magogo there is every reason to thank God for the great achievements. Just as Christ himself endured the pain of the cross for our sake, we as followers of Christ must follow in his footsteps in the difficult moments of our lives. But God does not give the cross beyond our strength.

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Fr. Drazan then went on to say that the same Christ who loved us and gave himself on the cross opened the door and made the existence of this mission in Magogo possible. He entered the bushes and landed in this particular place for the love of his people in this periphery. Fr. Drazan recalled that the school started with very limited resources and gradually the Pallottine Sisters put themselves wholeheartedly into making this ministry fulfil the dreams with which it was started. The society of the Maasai living in this area calls for the evangelisation and culturalisation of their customs and traditions, to which they are so deeply devoted.

Fr. Drazan continued saying that God has blessed the sisters in many ways in their struggles and today we are witnessing the first fruits of their success.

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After the Holy Mass, the graduation ceremony began whereby all the visitors were led to the hall together with Fr. Drazan Klapez, the guest of honour. He will always be remembered as the initiator and the cause for our being in this mission. Historically, he handed over this school to the Pallottine Missionary Sisters in 2017 and there has been close collaboration ever since. With great joy, many people from different parts of Morogoro and from outside attended this historic event in the bush of the Maasai at Magogo. The countless Maasai people moved the multitude present in the ceremony as they expressed their joy in action and generosity. At least one Maasai family offered a big cow to make the celebration more brilliant.

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There is a big promising future for this mission at Magogo. God has opened the door in so many different ways. We extend our sincere gratitude to our collaborators and benefactors who are making this mission possible. May God bless them abundantly. We also cannot forget the support and encouragement we have received from our Congregation of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters. We are very much aware of your love and prayers for this mission. May God bless us all as we seek to do the will of God in our different missions of our Congregation.

Sr Maria Constatine Massawe, SAC
The Headmistress at Elisabetta Sanna Pre and Primary School

Photos: By the Pallottine Sisters working at school.

See also the event gallery.
