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General Chapter 2016 – Day 0


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The 2016 General Chapter of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters officially convened during the Jubilee: Year of Mercy on Wednesday, June 22 with 23 Sisters representing 12 countries joining the Superior General and her Councilors in Rome.

General Superior: Sr. Izabela Świerad

Vice General: Sr. Maria Landsberger

Councilors: Sr. Stella Holisz

Sr. Anna Josephina D’Souza

Sr. Bożena Olszewska

General Secretary: Sr. Beata Matuszewska


Germany: Sr. Helga Weidemann

Sr. Gertrud Meiser

Sr. Adelheid Scheloske

England – Tanzania: Sr. Mary McNulty

Sr. Basilisa Jacob

Sr. Nancy Logue

United States: Sr. Gail Marie Borgmeyer

Sr. Mary Grace Barile

Belize: Sr. Consuelo Burgos

Sr. Clara Teul

South Africa: Sr. Annemarie Niehsen

Sr. Boscona Schämann

Poland: Sr. Mirosława Włodarczyk

Sr. Iwona Nadziejko

Sr. Blanka Sławińska

Sr. Anna Małdrzykowska

Cameroon: Sr. Anna Kot

India: Sr. Inacinha Fernandes

Sr. Eugine N. Francis

Sr. Lillian Kaniampuram

Rwanda—Congo: Sr. Liberata Niyongira

Sr. Marta Litawa

Switzerland: Sr. Maria Dörig

Chapter Secretary: Sr. Angeline Kambugu

Facilitator: Frau Maria Boxberg

Translators: Sr. Antje Eichhorn, OSB

Frau Aleksandra Czyzewska-Felczak

Holy door

The initial rite of the Jubilee is the opening of the Holy Door. This door is only opened during the Holy Year and remains closed during all other years. Each of the four major basilicas of Rome has a Holy Door: Saint Peter’s, St. John Lateran, St. Paul Outside the Walls and St. Mary Major. Fifteen years ago was the last time the door had been unsealed. This rite of the opening of the Holy Door illustrates symbolically the idea that, during the Jubilee, the faithful are offered an ‘extraordinary pathway’ towards salvation.

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This afternoon at 3:00 p.m. the General Chapter delegates made a pilgrimage to St. Peter’s and walked through the Holy Door. In an earlier letter from Sr. Izabela Świerad, Superior General (28 Jan. 2016): “We must realize that our General Chapter will take place in the middle of the Year of Mercy. God wants to speak to us at this Chapter through the mystery of divine mercy, by His forgiveness and love. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, let us allow God to surprise us. He never tires of casting open the doors of his heart and of repeating that He loves us and wants to share His love with us.” (cf. Misercordiae Vultus, 25).

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