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General Coordination Council (GCC) of the UAC 2013 – Message to the Union

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Dear sisters and brothers in the Union,

in these days of grace, during the novena of Pentecost, we, the members of the GCC, met, in the spirit of the Cenacle, giving priority to prayer, dialogue, listening and sharing in communion.

We praised the Lord for the marvels which he has accomplished during this Jubilee Year, for the many beautiful occasions of enrichment, meetings, celebrations, in a particular way those which included the visit of the relics of the Founder, which have revived faith and the desire for holiness in the members and collaborators in many countries of the Union.


This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the erection of the Union, an event for which we are preparing with a word from the Gospel which we will bring to life in our apostolic works, with a witness of life in order to continue to let the holiness of God shine forth.

We also unite ourselves to the joy of the great event of the 175th anniversary of the Foundation of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate (CSAC) and of the Missionary Sisters of the Catholic Apostolate (SAC) which was celebrated in the Church of SS. Salvatore in Onda on Sunday May 19th 2013 at 4pm – the solemnity of Pentecost – with a Eucharist of thanksgiving, led by the Rector General Fr. Jacob Nampudakam SAC.

The reports and the exchange of experiences during these days have highlighted the growth of the Union in various countries, but also the urgency of having formators who can guide the members and collaborators in a serious personal and apostolic formation.

Re-reading the appeal of the Rector General regarding the Pallottine response to the challenge of the New Evangelisation, we all feel the need to commit ourselves as Union in concrete apostolic projects. We particularly feel the need to appreciate and accompany the family in a growth of faith so that it can become ever more fully a domestic Church.

We had the opportunity to view the website of the Union and we realise the importance of modern means of communication in order to evangelise and to share experiences throughout the world. We want to make greater use of live streaming, as an opportunity to experience directly all of the important events and celebrations of the Union.

The meeting of the GCC with the three General Councils of the Core Communities was very effective, during which we reflected together on the latter’s specific role in guaranteeing the unity of the apostolic life of the Union; together, we also continued our reflection on the identity and role of the GCC (cf. GSt 78).

In all of our meetings, above all in prayer, you were with us and the presence of the Spirit sustained and enriched us/.

In this Year of Faith, we continue to deepen our sense of the beauty and preciousness of our charism, always relevant in responding to the call of the Church.

May Saint Vincent and Mary Queen of Apostles intercede for us so that we may always rejoice in the presence of the Blessed Trinity within us which helps us to make Jesus, Apostle of the Eternal Father, known, not just in words but through the witness of personal and community life.

We wish you an enduring Pentecost; may the Holy Spirit always inflame our hearts with his Infinite Love.

In communion always,

Your sisters and brothers of the GCC

Rome, May 2013
