On of 12 April 2013, fourteen sisters gathered in the Provincial House, Kloster Marienborn in Limburg for the first session of the Provincial Chapter the German Province of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters. Before the sessions the Holy Mass was celebrated in the house chapel. Sr. Helga Weidemann, Provincial gave her report. Afterwards the delegates were reflecting together on the present situation of the German Province and the tasks to be fulfilled in the near future.
The next day the Chapter members of re-elected Sr. Helga Weidemann as Provincial Superior. We congratulate and wish Sr. Helga every blessing for her mission during this new mandate of three years.
The second session of the Provincial Chapter will be held on April 25 to 26 and then the four provincial councillors will be elected. These, together with the Superior Provincial will have the responsibility of the direction of the Province for the next three years. The new mandate will begin on April 26.