Indian Pallottines working in and around Rome have the fantastic habit of coming together once a year. This tradition began three years and until today nobody has any complaints against it. In fact, today’s generation stands in gratitude to those who had the vision and courage to begin this tradition. This year this annual gathering was held on 16th February in the Generalate community of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters. The members arrived at 10 a.m. and began the day with the invocation of God’s blessings, and later in the ice breaking sessions the new members were introduced to the to the whole group. Immediately the Pallottine fraternal spirit worked its magic.
Later an inspiring spiritual reflection given by Sr. Izabela Świerad, Superior General of Pallottine Missionary Sisters gave us spiritual nourishment, which was all the more augmented by the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Soon it was time for the physical nourishment. There was a great meal well prepared and arranged in a large dining room with candlelights on each table. The custom of eating together the Indian food items added much to the joy of each and every one present. It was the moment in which love reigned over the gathering and nobody wanted to leave the table.
Later there were games and by then each and every one was praying and hoping that the day would go on. However, we had to say good-bye to each other and parted with the happiness and hope for the next meeting.
The community where we held the meeting needs a special mention. The Generalate of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters was a house of love. Each element in the house emanated love and the welcoming spirit. That is because each member in the community was an incarnation of love itself. Each sister in her own way expressed love and each one’s smile was more than just an expression of welcome. The Indian Pallottine Gathering thus had its annual event in the ambience of love and family and, who would want to lose a family filled with love.
Fr. Dhanaraj Rajan, SAC