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“Journeying together in the light of synodality”

IMG 20240714 0000Yesterday, our Superior General, Sr Josephina D’Souza, opened the Central Assembly in our Generalate in Rome.

After a touching prayer in which each sister was invited to connect with our Lord who has called us all, Sr Josephina lit an oil light. She then passed the light to each sister.

All the lights next to each other shone like a path, symbolising our common journey during the Central Assembly but also the hope for a light-filled journey of our entire Congregation into the future. 


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IMG 20240714 0003In her opening address, Sr Josephina encouraged us to hope. Honouring the past and looking realistically at the present, we are all called to shape the future. 

Over the next few days, we want to enter into dialogue with one another – in the steps that Pope Francis has set out for the World Synod: Encounter; Listen; Dialogue; Discern.

Sr Josephina visualised a boat in which Jesus is sitting in the midst of his disciples. The Lord is with us in the boat, with us on the way. Christ must be at the centre of our lives. Anchored in him, we can celebrate unity in diversity in our congregation.

Afterwards, Sr Josephina welcomed all those present and everyone introduced themselves. It was heartwarming to feel the diversity and there are some sisters who are new to the leadership of their province.

The coming days are well filled and we enter the week with joy – all provinces and delegatures are gathered to pray and celebrate the Eucharist together, to exchange and enrich ourselves.

May the Holy Spirit accompany us.

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Text: Sr. Astrid Meinert, SAC
Photos: Sr. Alda Paes, SAC
