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Jubilee in Poland

gniezno 25 lecie 8a

On 28th July six sisters celebrated their Silver Jubilee in Gniezno. Srs. Ewa Brandt, Gabriela Piątyszek, Marta Partyka, Renata Boczar, Teresa Drabanek and Zofia Trzonkowska were joined by Sr. Majola Rataj who is a Golden Jubilator. They got prepared to the Jubilee during a weekly retreat run by Fr.M.Małkiewicz SAC.


The day before the celebration they had a sisterly reunion with Sr. Bernadetta Turecka. The Jubilee Mass in the chapel in Gniezno was celebrated by Fr. Małkiewicz who strengthened sisters with the word of God on their further ministry in St.Vincent Pallotti’s spirit. Sisterly choir sang hymns practiced for the occasion. After the Mass the Jubilators received congratulations, wishes and gifts from their guests. Then everybody was invited to festive lunch.

Five Golden and three Diamond Jubilators: Srs. Amandyna Gostomska, Bogdana Cwalińska, Helena Sołowińska, Melania Kilimnik, Teresa Grażul as well as Ireneusza Pacuk, Speransa Joniec and Urszula Wojtczak celebrated their Jubilees in Gdańsk on 4th August.

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They also prepared themselves to it by participation in a retreat conducted by Fr. Jan Kupka SAC. Fr. Kupka was also a main celebrant of the Holy Mass in Christ the King Church. Among concelebrants were Pallottine Fathers from Gdańsk with their rector Fr. J.Łuczak and with Fr. M. Bajcar, a parish priest from Grodek in the Ukraine where Sr. Teresa Grażul works. During the mass the singing was done by a schola from Grodek. It was a beautiful present from the parish to the Jubilators. At home there was a lot of congratulations, kisses and good wishes. Then everybody was invited to have a delicious lunch cooked by Sisters from the community.

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gniezno 25 lecie 11a
