Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of good counsel, pray for us
The Annunciation begins Mary’s mission and Her being sent. From then on, Mary no longer belongs to Herself. Everything in Her, full of grace from the beginning, is now taken over by God. Mary, aware of the gift and the mystery that she carries within Herself, goes out to meet the other. Always open and ready to share, to give, to participate. The awareness of being sent makes one fit for the mission, and the mission blooms and bears fruit as it draws sap from the roots of the experience of being sent. The mystery of Mary is an invitation to sisterhood.
Intention of the month
Let us pray for unbelievers, so that, despite obstacles and dangers, filled with the light of the Holy Spirit, they may see the signs of God’s goodness and the testimony of the good deeds of those people who believe, and joyfully find and confess faith in the one and true God, the Father of all people, and the way of salvation.
Lectio Divina
“In all truth I tell you, whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, and will perform even greater works” (John 14:12).
St. Vincent Pallotti writes
The fundamental Rule of our little Congregation is the hidden and public life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We must imitate Him as perfectly as possible in humility and confidence, with all possible perfection in all the works of hidden life, and of evangelical public ministry for the greater glory of God our Father, as well as for the greater sanctification of our own souls and those of our neighbour. Whoever, therefore, joins this Congregation, must be moved solely by perfect love of God and neighbour, as well as by the desire to secure one’s own eternal salvation (OOCC III, 40).
“As Pallottines, it is our special charism to foster growth in faith and love among the laity, to awaken them to awareness of their apostolic call, and to cooperate with them in furthering the apostolic mission” (21).
Suggestion for the community:
Try, individually or as a community, to read Pope Francis’ encyclical “Fratelli tutti.” Share the reading experience and reflect on our mission and our experience of being sent in the context of the encyclical.