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Our Holistic Spiritual Journey in International Novitiate Arusha from 2022-2024

Our journey was like a river that carries different things of which some remain behind while others block the river or change its direction. Eleven of us started and now we are eight to tell the story. We experienced a cultural shock, when we came together from four countries namely Uganda, Rwanda, Congo and Tanzania. But gradually we familiarized ourselves with one another, slowly built relationships and acquired a Pallottine culture as the common for all of us.

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Due to the dynamic of the group, in two years we had an opportunity to learn many things from one another. Different skills, talents, knowledge and many other experiences were transmitted within the group. To mention only a few like music, dancing, decoration, computer skills, cooking, care of the environment, for the animals like chickens, rabbits, cows and ducks, for the garden and the flower beds. We learned to cook different food and now, we can prepare different dishes like samosa, biscuits, cassava leaves, chapati and use different spices. Because of our readiness to learn and integrate with another culture we prepare today a balanced diet with a good taste. We came to realize that a healthy lifestyle can involve eating nutritious foods, engaging in regular physical activities and prioritizing mental health.

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We learned how to prepare a garden and care for it. And we consider this work as a chance to learn and grow our own vegetables and fruits which are better than that of the market as we know the environment where they grow. From our garden we now obtain varieties of vegetables and fruits to make a healthy diet which aids boosting immunity and reduces the risk of developing different diseases. We realized that the animals need to be provided with their basic needs like proper cleanliness, suitable food, medicine and water. In all this we were not alone for there were formators beside us who tirelessly guided us on our journey. They assisted us to move forward with courage and determination, discover our strengths and weaknesses and accept them as part of our personalities. We acknowledge that we had chance

  • to deepen our relationship with God through reading the word of God and meditating it and receiving different sacraments for example Holy Eucharist and reconciliation,
  • to open our minds through reading different books and opportunities to attend workshops,
  • to learn importance of living in the community as one family,
  • to value all cultures because there is no culture which is better than the other and this helps in broadening our minds,
  • to participate in different apostolates and focus on the common goal.

We understood that challenges are part of our life, so we faced them with courage. Language was a challenge for some months as in the community we use English and at the parish Kiswahili; it was difficult to enter different cultures. We were ready to learn from each other. Those who guided us gave us some ways on how to overcome the impediments. We were ready to accept what happened and the acceptance set us free to share our joys and sorrows.

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We thank God for being with us on our journey and we ask him to continue accompanying us. We should not be satisfied with our spiritual growth, to allow the transformation to take place in us every day. We thank God for those who guided us and those who continue to accompany us. May God bless them and increase their faith that they may be able to lead the people of God according to His will. The word of God which inspired us throughout our journey was from the gospel of St. John14:1. Jesus told them, “Do not be worried and upset, believe in God and believe in me.” 

Text: Novices Rosemary Boniface and Christine Tumaini
Photos: Sr. Odile Mukandayisenga, SAC
