On 7th October, the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, began the XXIII Provincial Chapter of the Polish Province in Warsaw.
The theme of the Chapter is a sentence taken from the Gospel of St. Mark: “Go to the whole world and proclaim the gospel” (Mk 16:15). Pallottine Sister – Missionary of the Gospel. The Chapter gathered 21 delegates.
Among them is the representative of the General Council, Sr. Anna Małdrzykowska, General Councilor, who read the message of Sr. Izabela Świerad, Superior General. In her words to the members of the Chapter, Superior General invited the Sisters to dialogue and preserve the unity of spirit, hearts and purposes, to bravely look to the future, to the new tomorrow and to awaken the world and rekindle love.
The Chapter was opened by Sr. Mirosław Włodarczyk, Provincial Superior, who also chairs the same.
The Holy Mass and the opening conference were led by Rev. Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda SAC, Metropolitan Bishop of Bialystok. In his homily, referring to Evangelii Gaudium of Pope Francis, he emphasized the importance of joy that comes from the experience of truth and beauty, which ultimately signifies the encounter with the living Christ.
In his conference entitled Charism and Pallottine Missionarity – The attitude of consecrated persons towards the missionary challenges of our times, the Archbishop pointed to the challenges of the new evangelization that are faced by the missionary disciple of Christ. He underlined the need of a vivid concern for the proclamation of the Gospel, drew the attention to the dynamic of the Word of God and to the missionary dimension of the charism of consecrated life. The Chapter will last until 15th October.