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“To risk all in order to gain God”


Vincent Pallotti desired to risk all in order to gain God and be united with Him. He aspired to make God his sole good, to whom he sacrificed everything. Let us be inflamed with his enthusiasm, his love and his yearning to dedicate himself totally, and let us bear the sufferings and the hardships of daily life with joy, in order to come closer to Jesus and become more and more fruitful for His Kingdom. His prayer shows this attitude. Let us pray with him:
My God, I would wish to have infinite wills and an infinite number of lives so that I might sacrifice them all for the honour of the name of God, of Jesus, of Mary, and step by step, of the angels and of the saints. (OOCC X, p. 109-110)

V.Pallotti by Sr.Julitta Gołębiowska SAC; collage: Sr. Miriam Studzińska SAC