In the context of Family Apostolate, the Pallottine Fathers organized a Workshop for the members of the Union of the Catholic Apostolate in Via Ferrari, Rome from 19 to 22 July 2018. There were about 36 members from different Continents: America, Asia, Europe and Africa. From our Congregation four Sisters participated, namely: Sr. Nancy Logue (England), Sr. Catherine Nikuze (France), Sr. Beata Witerska (Poland) and Sr. Liberata Niyongira (Generalate).
During the sessions the participants shared and touched the realities of the families and their life today. We recognized that many challenges are almost similar in all Continents. There were also input sessions on different topics such as: Promotion of Family Pastoral and life in the Universal Church by Mgr. Carlos Simón Vasquez, the delegate of the Prefect and on the documents of “Amoris Laetitia” and “Familialis Consortio” by Dr. Gabriella Gambino, Assistant Secretary. Both resource persons were from the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.
The participants felt the importance of Family Apostolate and their response as Union members. It was realized that to live our Charism fully it is necessary to be engaged in the apostolate of family in order to instill in them deep faith and Christian values. Christ is the foundation and center of the families. Participants were happy to have the opportunity to take part in this workshop and to interact with the members of the Pallottine family.
Sr. Liberata Niyongira, SAC